Category Archives: Politics

Work aka Commute aka wages

What do you complain about the most?

I will start this post with the full acknowledgement that I should be and am grateful for all the blessings I have, but seeing is the post is not an ode to my lack of gratitude I will say the thing I complain most about is work. I am an advocate of the labor movement and am of the belief that “the labor movement is in shambles” so I find myself often complaining about different elements of work.

My favorite and timely complaint is the mandatory return to office. Wait hear me out. I know this is somewhat of a first world and white collar worker problem to have but still its emblematic of a larger problem between workers and employees. The issue is never if the work is done because when work is isn’t done there are many different metrics that employers have figured out to calculate efficiency. In fact if you fall below an adequate level of efficiency I believe they do something they call “firing you”. No the problem is not that work will not be done. The problem is trying to control employees time so if they are able to complete the required tasks in an adequate manner you figure out a way to pile more tasks on without paying them anymore. God forbid they use the extra time to spend with their family, friends or figuring out how to make additional income.

That brings us to the second thing I like to complain about. Much like what we keep hearing about inflation “it’s going down”, “we have brought it to an adequate level”, we should be really happy we are paying $20 for cooking oil our wages may be “up” but it seems like we still can’t afford rent, houses or the $20 cooking oil yet at every turn we are told wages are higher than ever and we should be happy and grateful. So we may not be the greatest mathematician but we can do the maths and see that the amount that we are getting paid and the profits we are helping make don’t add up.

To conclude, I like to complain about the state of employee rights in this current economic climate

Change in Political Views?

How have your political views changed over time?

I wouldn’t say that my political views have changed but I would say that my defence of political leaders has shifted. As a young Black African I used to give our politicians a lot of grace. They are leaders of new states so they are bound to mess up and the world is against them so how can they succeed but as I get older I am starting to question the grace that I have given them. It is true that the are so many things stacked against African nations but there are also some problems that we face as Africans that are a direct result of the incompetence and selfishness of our leaders.

As I get older I am starting to wonder what is the cost for supporting certain ideological beliefs? How much incompetence is allowable simply because a party has the “right ideas”? I have never had a hard time understanding one issue voters but I can’t help but think that holding on to certain ideologies makes you prey to bad leaders, but that is not really a change in in political views, it is more of a greater understanding of the inadequate politics systems that we have.

What positive events have taken place in your life over the past year?

I finally finished paying off my OSAP loan!!!

For those outside of Ontario they are student loans and the relief I have been feeling is just amazing.

When people talk about cancelling student debts it’s easy to feel like but I paid mine why should other people get theirs paid but honestly if we can find money to fund all these wars and trips to space I think we can find money to let people get educated for free.

Education is a good in itself. ✌🏾—Is-University-worth-it–6-years-on-assessment-e1pc41m

Ode to a Single Mother – The Settle Down Selections 

Daily writing prompt
What’s a topic or issue about which you’ve changed your mind?

Our fathers have passed

Our fathers have left

Our mothers have tried

Our mothers stood tall

Now the world says we should be ashamed

O no, that I will not do

I will not feel shame about the one that raised me, raised me against all odds

O no definitely not, for I know that woman is a queen

O no I am not sorry, I am not ashamed I was raised by a single mother

Our fathers have failed

Our fathers are gone

Our mothers have tried

Our mothers have stood tall